date: 2018-07-18
subject: Star Wars sequels, big cool trees

Star Wars sequels, big cool trees - 2018-07-18 - Entry 1553 - TOGoS's Journal

There was some newish Star Wars sequel that my dad was talking about. I hadn't seen it but he was impressed by some new terrible weapon the empire had that did ________ to an entire planet. What the heck could they do that would be so impressive, I wondered, since they've been exploding things on ridiculous scales forever.

This happened while we were camped out in some field that was also runways for some air show, so we had to be careful not to camp on the parts where planes would hit us.

I was walking along the bike path with some people. I think they were my mom, a friend of hers, and her friend's daughter, who was about my age. The trees near where we were standing were really cool. They were these big tall maple trees. There was a row of them growing on top of this overhang over the bike path that had recently collapsed due to the weight of the trees, which deformed the ground under the trees so that you could get under them a little bit. There was also one off the path down in a ravine a ways, and I went down there and was looking up through it, because it was hollow. I had some Blink 182 song in my head and yelled out the lyrics to something that seemed relevant as someone walked away up the bike path. I was out of tune.