date: 2018-07-27
subject: Fragments
tags: security-camera-dreams, getting-robbed-dreams

Fragments - 2018-07-27 - Entry 1556 - TOGoS's Journal

Something about YC and spooking and de-spooking sections of the bike path (just before it crosses Park St).

A bunch of stuff got stolen out of my desk at Meadowood because I had left it unlocked. And less clear but also stuff from home ones was stolen? Worryingly, keys. And for some reason the security cameras weren't on! So then it was time to work on installing more cameras and new door locks.

Someone said I should look into '....'. I had no idea what that was. I showed at the address on the card and as I got close there was this slow, sparse EDM playing. It was like gravity here was low and that allowed me to do all these flips and things up the stairs to the beat, which I guess is what this thing was all about, except if you got really good you could do it without the special low gravity.

At the meeting I tried to put something on top of a thing and since there wasn't anything there it fell down and crashed and made a mess. I looked through the mess and found that most of the stuff was my own (including my transparent plastic ruler).

Timmy's van was falling apart, and then someone was shoving hay bails off of some large structure above me that maybe used to be the van.