date: 2018-07-22
tags: mutant-dreams, mall-dreams, sara-dreams
subject: T-rexes and gorillas and mutants and lava arm melts

T-rexes and gorillas and mutants and lava arm melts - 2018-07-22 - Entry 1555 - TOGoS's Journal

Sara had a couple of dreams:

There were big scary animals spawning in the middle of town. Tyrannosauruses and mini-tyranosaurusses, lions and other threatening creatures. Trying to navigate our way arround them as they kept growing in covered area. We sat at a table with way too chill people discussing the issue. When a T-rex came I got up and yelled at Dan to follow me. He had been in the chair closest to the T-rex's advance. It then ate the next person at the table beacuse Dan had joined me. Just wanted to find our way back to our car. We ran through a churchish building where a gorilla was walking on the pews. It reached for me as we ran by, but I got past it. We got in a car and were afraid of which way to go since the animals had covered the whole area around us. Then I was woken up.

Sara's second dream:

Inside a malla that was also a dock. I was a part of a group of mutants. But then another group of mutants confronted us. It felt like a gang turf war. I was telling the fast food workers to leave the area. One employee got pissed and went over to the other gang and punched one of them. Hell broke loose with one of the mutants emitting a huge pool of lava. It melted off one of their team members' arms. I was going through the mall telling people to get out of the building. When confronted by a different mutant I cried about the pain that her friend must have felt when her arm melted off.