date: 2018-08-02
subject: actor-dreams, boat-dreams

actor-dreams, boat-dreams - 2018-08-02 - Entry 1560 - TOGoS's Journal

I went to stay with this guy who had a magical time-travelling car. The car could fly, too. He lived in this big house and a bunch of other people lived there, too. We all had some common goal and that's why we ended up there. Eventually I got to see the car. It was a rusty red station wagon parked in some upper-floor room of the house.

But for this mission that I was going to be involved in, we were using a boat. There was this lake or a sea with a complex shape that we had to traverse. There were lanes in the water that we were supposed to use, but they were somewhat dynamic and determined by the most recent boats to go that way. Every boat had these orange plastic buoys that were shaped vaguely like fire hydrants or the space station in Star Trek, with a hollow, flat-bottomed cylinder sticking out the bottom. You could throw these into the water and they would get all huge (like taller than any of the ships) and serve as markers. I threw one in somewhere between two that were already there and guy was like "no we don't need any more of those". While trying to retrieve it I messed up and we lost our boat with all our stuff on it. We still had the car and some money, but that was all.

So after that we were sharing a boat with some other group. At one point I was looking up at a thing like your giant orange buoys except it was black, and seemed even more huge. But since the orange ones were already huge maybe it was just because we were right up close that it seemed even bigger. I made some cereal but then when I went to eat it there was some weird stuff in the bowl that turned out to be this sticky gross booger mess left by some kid, so then I didn't finish that cereal. Then there was some pasta and I noticed white liquid under the tomato sauce and was like "oh no not again" but then someone pointed out that the noodles had white sauce on them.

Then it was like this was all shooting a movie. I was playing basically the protagonist, but they were going to replace out images with those of the characters. Like we were just placeholders.