date: 2018-08-03
subject: Shiny Prague buildings and forgotten luggage
tags: travel-dreams, europe-dreams

Shiny Prague buildings and forgotten luggage - 2018-08-03 - Entry 1561 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt I was in Prague with Sara. We liked to wander around at night and take pictures of the buildings all lit up. We were staying in a place where there was a main hall with several rooms coming off of it. The main hall was somewhat private, so we kept some of our stuff there. Which is pretty similar to the actual situation we had when we visited in real life.

We had a train to catch early in the morning and I was sort of stressing out about it. We had a roommate there who was a druggie and leaving messes and that sort of distracted me as we were leaving. When we got to the train station I realized that I had forgotten my luggage. Oh no!

Later I was looking at train tracks from above, like I was designing them in a game. There was another set of tracks parallel to mine. I guess those were the tracks of another player. This was some kind of competitive railroad building game? Trains were coming and I had to get everything ready so they could stop at the station.

The train we had been on crossed over both of these sets of tracks.