date: 2018-08-12
subject: Missing out on the good stir fry components
tags: food-dreams, back-to-school-dreams

Missing out on the good stir fry components - 2018-08-12 - Entry 1566 - TOGoS's Journal

Had a dream that uhm. Well there was eating food involved. In like a cafeteria, and there was warmed up pizza. And this big yard with a fence through the middle of it (but the fence had gaps so you could get through). And I was hanging out with Fizz and Joh out in the yard. The cafeteria was also serving some stir fry stuff, and after I ate my pizza I went back to get some (I wanted to pack in those calories while I had all this good food available because ‹we'd be moving on to the next place soon›; even though I don't remember any other location, this felt like one of those dreams where I'm on a journey and staying at a different place every night). But by the time I got back all the good stir-fried veggies were taken and there was only like okra and some crusty rice left.

In a later dream I was going back to school for a year. This was my parents' idea and they were paying for it. But I saw the bill and it was absurdly high. Like I would have expected a couple thousand dollars at the most, but it started with a 4 and then had several digits. I was like "what the hell" and "this is not a good use of my parents' money".