date: 2018-08-15
subject: portal sense
tags: portal-dreams, time-loop-dreams

portal sense - 2018-08-15 - Entry 1567 - TOGoS's Journal

I was in some foreign town. I had walked down an outdoor stairway along a stone wall with a lot of doors and nooks and crannies in it. "there's a special door here. you'll know it when you see it" said a voice that was also myself. So I started paying special attention to the different doors.

Eventually I found one at the back of a restaurant. There wasn't anything special about it, but I decided maybe it was the one. I opened it, and it went somewhere normal. I closed it and opened it again and now it went somewere else. So I went in.

I found more doors like that that would go to different places. One of them went to a curvy blue hallway where there was no gravity. I kept going without making any attempt to remember which route I had taken or how to get back. But somehow when I did want to go back I was able to pick the right doors instinctively.

I kept exploring behind the doors and my family was worried that it was becoming a problem. Like what if I get lost one of these days. But I felt driven to keep going for some reason.

Eventually I ended up on a small grassy rectangular island. There wasn't very much there. Maybe a few trees and rocks and maybe a tiny hill at one corner. I could walk all the way from one end to the other in a couple of minutes. On one edge of the island there was a wall of rock tall enough to accomodate a couple of portal doors (this was how I arrived), but either they didn't go anywhere interesting or I just felt like there was something important that I had to do here. Which is why I was disappointed when I realized how uninteresting it was.

A plane had recently emergency landed somewhere nearby. Maybe a nearby island. I had overheard their radio communication. One of the staff was talking about a piece of metal sticking out from the steps and was worried that someone would trip on it.

Eventually something flew over me. It was like a stick drawing of a bird. And it dropped some balloons that spelled out "END", as if I had won the portal exploration game. But it felt very anticlimactic and so I figured this wasn't really the end and decided to keep looking for something else.

My mom came to the island to visit me. Maybe she video-called me. I told her about the balloons. And then I got the idea that by going through the 2 portals I could actually travel to this island at different points in time. So I went through and found myself standing there about to receive the "END" balloons. And I tapped myself on the shoulder and said "naw that ain't it". A third me was there showing this to my mom, who was confused, and that third me was the one whose perspective this part of the dream was from, so I got to watch second me come out of the portal and surprise first me by tapping him on the shoulder.

I don't remember how that situation resolved itself. I think somehow we opened a new portal to yet another place, and the slightly younger instances of me continued into their time-offset portal to close the causal loop.

There was another dream that seemed to happen in parallel with this one. Maybe between portal adventures I would come home. Sara kept getting all sunburnt and her skin was turning all leathery. Her mom was visiting and Sara was complaining to her mom about how her veins were sticking out a lot. I was like "yeah maybe we need to get you some long sleeved shirts".