date: 2018-08-21
subject: Drunk ants and angry dog-bears
tags: bear-dreams, dog-dreams, ant-dreams

Drunk ants and angry dog-bears - 2018-08-21 - Entry 1569 - TOGoS's Journal

Dream: details forgotten, but there was a band.

In another part there were ants trying to move into the office. Some of them were big yellow ants carrying little barrels. Some of those ants were drunk. I found the place that they were moving into, which was a bucket of damp sticks on my desk, amd attempted to move the whole colony outside. But out by the compost heap (where I was dropping it) I heard a growl. I looked into the neighbor's yard and there was a dog there, but I was like "oh no that dog is actually a bear" and I tried to walk slowly back to the house, but the (upright as it ran) bear-dog was chasing me. I got into the house as fast as I could and closed the back doors behind me (they were double doors; the house no longer resembled mine), ran to the front, and closed the front doors, too. I was still afraid of the bear getting me.