date: 2018-08-16
subject: 3D Factorio office
tags: factorio-office-dreams

3D Factorio office - 2018-08-16 - Entry 1568 - TOGoS's Journal

I was working at the Factorio office again, but it was this new swanky space with multiple rooms where you could go and work, so I was always picking up my computer and moving it depending on my mood and who I felt like working near.

The game had a 3D aspect to it. When you zoomed out you would pass by the tops of these huge trees. Sometimes the base was also the office, and the largest tree covered most of the office space and was very impressive, and itself was growing on this platform inside a very tall cavern. Some of the spaces where I sometimes worked when I wanted to be more alone were 'outside' under the tree. I really apprecoated the complex 3D-ness of the whole place.

I don't remember any more details about that one.

In another dream I was wearing Sara's clothes. Mostly because they were what were nearby when I needed to get dressed and I was too lazy to go find my own. I was outside somewhere, maybe picking up my kid from school. I was worried that strangers would think I was a cross-dresser or having gender dysphoria, as opposed to just not giving a crap about their gender norms.