date: 2018-12-02
subject: Chase inside boxy plane
tags: house-dreams, airplane-dreams, sara-dreams

Chase inside boxy plane - 2018-12-02 - Entry 1606 - TOGoS's Journal


It was Thanksgiving and everything downtown was quiet with everyone off visiting their families. I had a pizza that was cut into squares that I was delivering to Renee, and so was walking up and down the streets that we usually walk on.

Back at my parents' house, I remembered that they had a 2-level parking ramp underneath the garage, and I wondered why they never used it anymore. It was great for accommodating all Heather's helpers and relatives and so on.

There was a part where I was biking on the bike path, home from downtown, I think, and the only thing that sticks out is that it maybe reminded me of another dream where I was biking home on the bike path.

Boxy room planes

Some friends and I were flying these 'small' planes. When I took my turn I did some intense dives and climbs, because I liked the altitude-changey aspect of that. The cockpit was actually in the back, on the lower floor, facing backwards, and had no windows. Instead there were just a bunch of computers with people sitting at them. Sara tried to talk to one of the pilots about RCV, but they were busy flying the plane so told us to go away. At some point I got into an argument with someone in a bathroom, and then they chased me out of the bathroom and I spent the rest of the dream running around to different parts of the plane trying to avoid them. There was a mall with an escalator.

Sara's dreams

Something about a police car that was smashed and the metal fragments were layed out like a deck of cards.

She and I were in a "squishy foot thing race". We were supposed to be a team but other people were saying that I should win, so then Sara was trying to win.

Sara had borrowed a bike but then there was a cat in the basket and she had to return it, but this involved going down some stairs that were only 4" wide somewhere.