date: 2018-12-01
subject: Cedar waxwings sure love those berries, huh?

Cedar waxwings sure love those berries, huh? - 2018-12-01 - Entry 1605 - TOGoS's Journal

I had dropped a friend off at the airport, and was sticking around the airport for the airport food. See, in this dream, the airport had a nice buffet that opened at some point in the evening and anyone in the terminal could partake. I worried a little bit that I'd be found out for not having a ticket, but not very worried, because nobody cares. There was salad and bread and mac and cheese. I heated it up a little in a microwave, and was then like "oh no I microwaved my salad". I took it out and the lettuce was warm but still kinda crispy, so it was okay. Then I went to a big open field (the surface was dirt and snow) to eat, because that was my room for the night. "Good thing not everyone is sleeping in that big open field!" said my dad, "There's no walls between the rooms!"

I was having some kind of party at my house, which wasn't my house, but a house on the southwest corner of Reetz and Altem, it seemed like. I had invited Andrea and she had RSVPd, and kept watching the road to see when she arrived. I saw her drive by in her car, and then a few minutes later she walked in with a group of friends. They were the usual sort-of-funny-but-too-apolitical friend group. A bunch of other people that I hadn't seen for a long time showed up. Ian was there, being Ian. I didn't really want to hang out with Ian's group so I walked downstairs with Andrea+co and someone was like "oh no is that puke water", except they used a different term for it, like "cog water" or something.

Downstairs I opened a package that I'd ordered from eBay. It was body armor that came with two 5 pound weights. I had ordered it mostly for the weights and expected them to be bigger. But oh well, maybe I'll wear this armor as a costume, now. So I put it on and then went back to Andrea's group, except now Andrew Armostrong was standing in for Andrea. They were leaving, and I gave her a squeezy hug and told her I missed her. I figured it was not too inappropriate that I was actually hugging AA, because I kind of missed him, too.

As everyone left I went upstairs, and the road was now a canal full of bumper boats. This one kid was just sitting there not moving, and someone was gesturing to a cop to come by and scare the kid. I managed to get by and continued home.

It hit me, now that the party was over, that I missed my friend (whom I'd dropped off at the airport) and felt kind of purposeless without them. Why don't I go home and try to have adventures with Sara?