date: 2018-12-10
tags: minecraft-dreams
subject: Elevator maze, potential road trip, bomb fruit

Elevator maze, potential road trip, bomb fruit - 2018-12-10 - Entry 1608 - TOGoS's Journal

It felt like we were going to a LAN party but instead we were wandering around an elevator maze. The 'elevator maze' was just on 2 floors. The maze was the building itself. This was in some university building, seemed like.

Stayed up for 3 days partying. Then Luke needed a ride to Minneapolis. Oh what if I took a road trip? Maybe Renee would like to come along and we could visit Jason.

There was this tower house that Sara and I had built in Minecraft. It wasn't really a 'tower' but was more tall than wide and had several floors inside. Someone had blown some holes in the sides while we were gone and I was trying to repair them. It wasn't creepers self-exploding that did the damage, but these bomb fruit things that would show up sometimes if you weren't careful. There was a new one on my bed and it exploded. Ack now I have to fix that wall and that floor, too.