date: 2018-12-11
subject: 100 mile walk

100 mile walk - 2018-12-11 - Entry 1609 - TOGoS's Journal

Me and A-Day were doing this long walk. The interstate was up a hill to our left, and we were walking along sidewalks and frontage roads. At one point we stopped at a place to sleep, and I was on a couch with like 3 other guys. Maybe Fizz and Ben were there, too. So we were all sort of scrunched together, and one guy was complaining that his arm was falling asleep or something. I told him he didn't have to lie on the couch with us. Also I had a sandwich.

The next day A-Day and I continued our long walk. We had gone 100 miles already! Had we really? It didn't seem like we'd been walking that long. We were at a place with a bunch of gas stations and fast food restaurants, and had just come out of a McDonald's because we were using the bathroom there. Or maybe that wasa the place with the couch. We were moving our gear from one place to the next in multiple trips, which meant we sometimes left a pile of sleeping bags and underwear on a corner or something while we walked back for another load. Nobody seemed to be messing with it, so it was fine to do it this way, I guess.