date: 2002-04-09
content-type: text/html
description: Dream (flying, concrete cubes, field house room, some girls, "I'll kill HITLAH!"), brakes, csound
lj-entry-id: 184,164

Dream (flying, concrete cubes, field house room, some girls, "I'll kill HITLAH!"), brakes, csound - 2002-04-09 - Entry 162 - TOGoS's Journal

I think I got enough sleep last night. I won't tonight unless I write this quickly. In my dream last night, it started out in this place like a Doom level. I knew it was a dream, but I wasn't really thinking about it; I wasn't very conscious of what was going on. But I did know it was a dram, and that was enough to allow me to fly around. There was this one big room with a big concrete thing hanging from the ceiling. It was a row of hollow cubes, each about 2 or 3 meters in each direction, maybe taller than wide wither way. They were stuck together in a row maybe 3 or 4 long. Their walls were about 6 cm thick, and they were open at the top and bottom. I went into another room that was about the siza and shape of Memorial's field house. The floor was raised about 4 meters along one wall (opposite the wall with the door through which I entered (and later exited)), with a concrete railing, and piles of boxes or something against the wall. This room was pretty dark, and it had big, translucent windows that were not square, but maybe arched at the top. There was one at the far end of the room, and smaller ones on the wall above the raised floor.

Then I was somewhere completely different, but it felt like the same dream; there didn't seem to be any separation by time. I don't remember how it started. There were a bunch of different scenes. There was some girl who looked like that one girl from my College Algebra class. I think it was her. And we were on the bus, at night, going on Raymond road to the East past McKenna. There was another scene where I was in the back seat of the car, and Mom was driving up Tokay from Whitney Way. Only it wasn't anything like that road. (That's the location that it felt like, though). Where we were driving, the road curved sharply to the right, and then after a few meters of that, curved sharply back to the left and became parallel to it's original course. I think that girl was with us then, but I don't know if it was the same one. The last scene I remember before going back to that Doom levelish place was I was in the back seat of a car driving toward a city at night. There was this girl (definately a different one this time; I had the feeling that I didn't know her very well at all) who was sitting on my lap. She seemed to be enjoying it so I was tickling her. I think she liked that.

Then I was back in that big room again. I was with some other people. Maybe Fizz and a Duley and/or Armstrong or something. There was an announcement that the rules were going to be turned back on in 5 minutes, or something like that. Anyway, it meant that we weren't going to be able to fly, anymore. Somehow I also had an image of the city suddenly being buried under a lot of fluffy white stuff (maybe snow) when the rules were turned back on (or whatever). It wasn't serious, and I was glad that I had been able to fly for so long. I went to the concrete things and was swinging up and down through the one closest to the main corridor (which lead from where I started the dream to the field-house-ish room and on the way went by the concrete cube grid room). I was thinking how neat it was that I had been able to be able to fly from the beginning of the dream, be able to do it so easily, and for this long (the dream seemed to have taken a long time). While I was swinging through the cubes, I think I might have been showing off to my girlfriend (I don't know that she represented anyone I know in real life - just my dream girlfriend).

In the last part before I woke up, I was back in the room I started in, and was shooting bad guys with a machine gun. But there were these 3 human dudes who I couldn't kill. Then I realized they were on my side. I thought that it was good that the game wouldn't let you kill your friends. One of them (the one I had been trying to shoot) was saying "I'll kill HITLAH! I'll kill HITLAH!!!". Yay!

Today: had donuts in CompSci. Mr. P doesn't like me. Got Csound working (haven't done anything with it, though), and got new brakes fot my Rollerblades (14 dollars and something, even though the bag said $7.99. I should have asked about that before I left. Blagh.)

Is 23:37. I need go sleep. Bye.