date: 2002-04-14
content-type: text/html
description: Cookie shop, Ryan Grady chases us through corn fields, dumb party, wet busses, Kate O'Neill dreams
lj-entry-id: 185,126

Cookie shop, Ryan Grady chases us through corn fields, dumb party, wet busses, Kate O'Neill dreams - 2002-04-14 - Entry 164 - TOGoS's Journal

I'm still sick. It's Sunday morning.

Last night My mom and I went for a walk and ran into the Waltons (Lindy and John and Cricket). That was kinda fun. I can't talk very well, though.

Last night I had a few dreams. In the first one I remember, Fizz and I had found that it was easier and faster to get home by walking south to somewhere on Muir Field, and then drive home from there. There was this candy shop or bakery or something where we stopped to get in my car (lots of yummy stuff like cookies and ice cream). Fizz bought something to eat. I told them to hang on a second, so I could choose. They were saying something to me but I didn't quite get it and ignored them. I turned to talk to Fizz and when I came back they were closing up. That was why they had wanted me to hurry up and pick something.

One time, we had been walking north from there (maybe to school), and we were walking through this one corn field, like we always did. But then we saw some guy behind us, and it looked like he was coming after us, so we quickly got around the next corner and started running. We kept running to the next corner (corners between rows of corn, or trees, or hallways when we finally got to school) hoping to lose him. When we got to school Fizz and I went different directions down some hall when we came to a 'T'. I ran past a couple of teachers, hoping they'd slow the guy down. But alas, he caught me. It was Ryan Grady. He started lecturing to me on why I shouldn't be walking through his cornfield, which he reserves for people who sign up to play Quake in it. He showed me the list of people who had signed up.

I think I woke up and blew my nose a few times (it was disgusting. I'd blow my nose and within a few seconds it would be packed solid with snot again. Where does this infinite supply of snot come from? I wondered) before falling asleep and having more dreams.

In the next dream, I was at some party which was organized by Taugher or someone goofy like that. There were a bunch of trashy girls there and Taugher suggested that we all have sex, and it was grosse. Then I was drying dishes. Then I was trying to ride the bus, but it was raining outside and I couln't see through the front window. I had these yellow half-sheets of paper that I was sticking under the windsheild wipers of busses (it was a little confusing, since the busses were all pretty much symmetrical from front to back). One of the bus drivers got mad ant me. It was then that I realized that these yellow things didn't actually say much of anything about the busses' windsheild wipers, except maybe very inderectly, but they were really just a joke thing I got from the party. At the top (the hotdog way) of the sheet were 2 lines next to 2 rectangular checkboxes. Then there was a space, and maybe 7 more down to the bottom of the sheet. I think it just said something about Quake or something.

Then I was down by the Hammersley-Gilbert intersection. Shanie and Davida were there, as well as a lot of other people. It was some kind of party or something. I went with Shanie up Gilbert, and saw a guy who looked like David Nelson, and I had a feeling he was. We kept going, and we ended up in this place with a lot of gas stations and low warehouses, kinda like that place in the dream I had a looong time ago (when I was 3 or 4 or something) where someone took our car into some garage and dismantled it while we were in another building with pretty wooden stairs all around. Anyway, we went into this one building that was Deb's (Deb from church) 'dance studio'. They were planning a party, I think. There were a bunch of other people from church there. They had us all sit down near a corner and were telling us about how some people would bring music, some would bring food, etc. There was this girl sitting three people down from me who I thought I recognized. I stuck a plastic sticky thing to her leg. She didn't seem to know it came from me, but didn't seem to happy about it, anyway. Then she scooted back into the corner. I pointed to her and said "Kate?". She looked up at me and smiled and said "Yeah". It was Kate O'Neill, from 4th/5th grade. I went back and started talking to her as someone handed out sign up sheets. We got a sheet. It was a chart of who was going to bring different instruments and food items (mainly CD players, drum machines, and pretzels). There were a couple of separate cherts over on the right of the back side labeled 'Fdt' and 'Fk', and we laughed about that a little bit. It seemed KAte liked Nine Inch Nails :). Then we were on something like a roller coaster. I was with KAte, and there were other people we were competing against. There were two separate tracks. We were near the bottom, and we all got stuck in a big pile. Someone said "Kate doesn't know her way around your immune system so well, after all, does she?". They then got wiped out by a big red metal thing, and I guess we finished first.