date: 2019-01-04
subject: Frozen lake spin

Frozen lake spin - 2019-01-04 - Entry 1620 - TOGoS's Journal

Sara dreamt that we went on a vacation to Finland. At first we had split up and she was driving around with some other people saying "I know that place!" about something. Then we got back together and I was driving really fast. We were on a lake, spinning the car in circles, and every time around there would be a new cityscape with different castles and stuff, which was really cool, but then there had to be cracks in the lake, but instead of falling through the ice into the lake we were then out of the car and climbed down into a tunnel system. There were a couple of guys down there working on it and they knew me from some other work I had done for them. We had to reset the ice above us somehow so we could get back out.

I had a dream that I was with a group and we kept walking to someone's apartment that required going up a lot of steps, which was an annoyingly long part of the journey. I got distracted by the wood trimming around the stairway, and felt that I had to add some pieces of wood to it. Maybe I had been watching a YouTube video about stairway building where they gave that little piece of wood a name and talked about why you needed it.

Then there was this part about how Jesus had been at a party, up all late at like 2AM, sitting on the bathroom floor and being 'full of the spirit', which was depicted as him meditating inside a tulip-bulb-shaped blue flame.