date: 2019-02-22
subject: Kidnapper husband, mystery line-of-sight from bathroom stall mirror
tags: bathroom-dreams

Kidnapper husband, mystery line-of-sight from bathroom stall mirror - 2019-02-22 - Entry 1656 - TOGoS's Journal

Sara dreamt she got married to someone who then kidnapped her. They went to visit her family and she tried to tell them that she didn't even know her new home address, but was unable to communicate that. She had like a rubber thing over her mouth and had to breathe through her nose. Maybe Pearl was on her face.

I dreamt about a small church at the top of a hill along a road through what was otherwise just open fields. Ken was there. I went down into the basement to use the bathroom. I was sitting on a toilet and then noticed that ken was waving to me, and even though I was sitting in a stall I could see him in a mirror that was attached to the door. At first I didn't see any way there could be line-of-sight between that mirror and the rest of the room. I figured there must be some kind of camoflaged passage from the stall to where Ken had been standing by the stairs.

Sara and Moriah were both there and I asked them to look and "see if there's anything weird about this bathroom."

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   |   | O | O | O | ← toilet stalls
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   |   | some kinda weird secret passage?
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In a different part of the dream I was at a RadioShack. They had a little room off to one side of the store where there was a wall full of mugs for sale. They were all Trump mugs, and said different things. Like "Identify Homosexuals". This seemed very problematic. I went and found the manager and asked if he thought it was a good idea to be selling those here.