date: 2019-02-21
current-music: Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
tags: bernie-sanders-dreams, doug-la-follette-dreams
subject: Avoiding people and doing some housekeeping instead

Avoiding people and doing some housekeeping instead - 2019-02-21 - Entry 1655 - TOGoS's Journal

Last week I was scrambling to get some work for Factorio merged and my contribution to the FFF written. On Friday it was done. Since then the work's been playtesting. And listening to Rseding complain about the fact that there's a noise expression compiler.

I've started numbering my notebooks and hard drives. The one I've been keeping notes and diagrams of block-based bed frames is WSITEM-3404.

I've been experiencing a higher-than-normal rate of seemingly random mental associations lately. Like just now as I was thinking about the Garner Park woods (because I'd been filling in entry 1623 and looking at maps of the Tokay/Whitney Way/Midvale area, including Oakwood, which appears to have been built up a lot since I was little, which makes me sad, but "someday all this bullshit will crash and the forests will come back") I had flashing through my head memories of going to Memorial with my mom to visit Heather at her physical therapy thing, and then the smell of a densit office, which maybe we'd just come from. I seem to recall that one time I was playing with a wooden train set that had some bridge pieces, which I thought was really awesome, but that we never had at home. Why would that have been available for me to play with in the Memorial cafeteria?

Yesterday I managed to exhaust myself pretty well by shoveling, going to the gym and running, and then in the evening biking to Fizz's place through the slush for an XR meeting. So when I came home and found a series of messages from Rseding about how he hated all the work I'd done, I was just done with it. So today I'm doing some digital housekeeping instead. There's a backlog of messages from SA folks that I haven't yet looked at. I think maybe someone wants me to help table.

I dreamt this morning about going on some kind of outing with a group, like the end-of-year field trips we had in middle school, to a water park, but all the water rides were closed down because it's winter. Everything's all dusty with road salt. Was this a school group? The outing club? SA? Not sure, but I'd brought Doug La Follette with me.

There was this complex of buildings in the middle of the park, and inside there was some class where they were "disassembling" live animals as part of some medical training. It was horrible and I was telling them to stop. I don't think it was working.

There was some kind of agricultural revolution going on. Like all over the world governments had gotten their shit together and were making everyone switch over to sustainable farming practices. I was at my parents' house and someone was saying that now that everything's solved they can continue doing some distructive thing (I think it was a worm farm, though I don't see how that would be bad, but in the dream it was), and I was like "nooooooo that's not how this works."

I was walking with Bernie Sanders and somebody else along a sidewalk back to our car in a parking ramp. Some white supremacists started following us. We got to the car and I told my friends to get in quickly and lock their doors. We all got in but Bernie didn't shut his door fast enough, and one of the white supremacists got himself between the door and the car. "I guess I need to take care of this" I said to myself, as I got back out of the car, ripped a metal signpost out of the concrete, and proceeded to beat the shit out of those guys with it.

(actually the signpost got floppy and the guy I was whipping turned into another Bernie, but that messes up an otherwise cool narrative so let's ignore it)

This morning Sara and I walked to the library to do some printing. She printed some FairVote buttons and, on my request, 4 IWW membership forms. Maybe now I'll finish filling mine out.

Fizz says:

Oh I was gonna say, I already had a dream that cops came to my door. But they just wanted to ask me how I felt about surveillance cameras.

I said that the ones at your house were fine, but that ones in stores made me uncomfortable.