date: 2019-03-09

2019-03-09 - Entry 1667 - TOGoS's Journal

In a dream I had this morning 'we' (this included at least me and Peter) were visiting Bolsonaro at his office. It was up on a high floor of a tallish building. Instead of an elevator there was this moving ladder thing, which if you weren't careful would either squish your fingers into the wall or drop you at the top. Very fitting for Bolsonaro to have a transportation system that kills you, I thought.

Later I dreamt that I had to cut more gridbeam. I was sort of sad that after all the time I'd spent cutting gridbeam I still didn't have enough for this goofy thing I was building, which was some kind of building for people to walk through? Except I was building it at like 1/12 scale. I was talking to someone about Summer Camp and how dirty it gets.