date: 2002-07-04
content-type: text/html
description: canoe trip dream, lots more dreams, about 30 sigs. for Jim at Elver
lj-entry-id: 192,222

canoe trip dream, lots more dreams, about 30 sigs. for Jim at Elver - 2002-07-04 - Entry 186 - TOGoS's Journal

I've been dreaming so much lately that there are some things that I can't remember if they were real or a dream. For instance, I was sitting at a Windows box and asked: "Why is it going so slow?", to which someone relplied: "Because it's doing so many things at once".

Last night (read: July 3 around noon) I had a dream in which I was with a bunch of people, probably from school, but some of the church folks were there, too. We were out on some trip, and we had to find an island, and I suggested that we get in our canoes and go down the big river to look for them (we were near a big river). I was eating this stuff that was like gorp, except that it had these cheese-puff things in it (they were kinda like cheetos). I think I remembered a lot more about it when I first woke up, but whatever. It's not like it's important.

I've been downloading some of Awesome's music today. And that's about all I've done.

Where'd the magic go? There used to be magic. I think I was some sort of prince in my previous life. I met this beautiful princess and we loved each other and it was quite wonderful. Then the unicorn accidentally stabbed me and I died.

The next day (July 4). I went to Staples and made copies of the Jim Young stuff after going to the Orchard Ridge 4th of July party after sleeping until noon dreaming (something about a bridge, and Claire was there (I don't have a thing for Claire. Really.)) which is what I dif after staying up all night not doing much of anything and then climbing the pine tree and spending some time up there as the sun rose. I called Dan and he came out and met me at Elver park at 18:30 and we went and set up our table thing and a guy told us we couldn't be there; we had to go to the corner across the street. We got about 30 signatures. I chased after Fizz as they left and then when they got in their car I ran back to Elver and got in my car and went home and watched the BBC news with Mom and Pop and now I want to do some programming after a few days of Windows/KaZaA mode.