date: 2002-07-18 (Thursday)
description: dreams: cold blue stone planet with green moon, slimy
lj-entry-id: 193,67

dreams: cold blue stone planet with green moon, slimy - 2002-07-18 (Thursday) - Entry 190 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night I tried to actually go to sleep at about midnight. I just layed there on my back, and it actually worked (I don't recall laying there for hours trying to sleep, anyway).

In the first dream, I was staying in a building on some planet where you weren't supposed to go outside, even though it wouldn't kill you right away. If you did go outside (I did), then it looked just like a night on earth, except I think the planet was smaller (about like Mars) and the ground was navy blue stone. It had a bunch of moons, one of which was a big, green sphere. The others were just little potato-shaped things, I think.

I think Shanie was there, too. And there were other people in another building, I think. When I went outside, after a while I started to feel funny short little pains in various places. I went back inside, though, and I was OK.

And I was going on another trip with the church group. We were going to go camping or something. Somebody called me about it and I didn't know who it was. I thought maybe it was Bonnie, but it wasn't.

I was watching this show about the progress of technology in the past. It was very interesting. There was this big (wooden) airship thing they had, and some guy invented a new propulsion system for it that was much faster and quieter and they were having a huge celebration with demonstations. Then I had a dream that I was in a sewer, just sitting there. Something about I was walking down the stairs in my house and slipped, and thought about what might happen if I had hit my head and been paralyzed. I couldn't call for help, only wait for someone to come find me. And I fell asleep and had the dream where I was in the sewer. I was sitting at the edge of a canal full of slime. The floor where I was sitting was all slimy, too. It was light where I was, but it was dark down the tunnel either way. There was also a door at the end of a short hallway which joined the tunnel near where I was sitting. I was at the celebration and Dan was there and some other people, and I was telling him about my dream (we were sitting on a slimy floor, and when I washed it it just got really slippery). I thought it was a message from God saying that this is what it would be like in Hell.

I woke up as the sun was coming up and I was getting lots of yellow light in my room. I layed there for a while, and might have gone to sleep again and dreamt, but I'm not sure. I finally got up at about 7:00.

One of the instruments in Mulker 4 (the high-pitched synth) is a little bit out of tune. I just noticed that yesterday. If you do notice it, the song sounds awful.

A while ago (I'm not sure how long; I think it was after the trip) I had a dream which I didn't seem to write down (well that happens a lot, but this dream I still remember). In it, we were driving across the country, but there was this section of road that the whole dream took place at that was maybe halfway to where we were going. There was this van full of reckless, crazy guys. I think we kept trying to get away from them. There was this building where we had to go and sit in a room on these seats like bleachers and listen to a guy tell us about drugs or some dumb thing. Someone was screaming, and it was really annoying. I think we got little pamphlets, and then I went outside and put on my sunglasses. I was looking for a certain girl.