date: 2002-07-25 (Thursday)
description: dream: small town down stairs and ride along beltline,
Timmay's birthday party, dream: bowling alleys and funny colored
tags: time-loop-dreams

dream: small town down stairs and ride along beltline, Timmay's birthday party, dream: bowling alleys and funny colored - 2002-07-25 (Thursday) - Entry 193 - TOGoS's Journal

dream: There was this town that you could get to by gonig down some stairs. It was across the beltline from this ride that I liked to go on that went along the edge of the golfcourse and later on I noticed that it made a beat as it went. You could cross the beltline to get between the town and the beginning of this ride, but usually you would go around and go into the town at the other end and come up the stairs. I think. Maybe that was because there was a fence around the ride and the parking lot.

I went out to Elver park to Timmy's birthday party. There was good food, and I explored some of the paths around the park which I had never seen before with Sarah and her friends.

dream: There was this big strong guy. I think he was good. There was someone who was bad. I was drilling round holes through little plastic dohickeys in order to make a round door into anopther room (through the little hole in the wall under the stairs between the laundry room and the work room). There was someone else there who could do it. An FBI man came and wanted to see my room, and I wanted to know why. Sarah was in my room and I told her that if anything happened to me she should tell some certain person who I don't remember who it was.

There was this bowling alley, and I was there late at night. And Nora from church was there, and some other people. They were closing, and to leave you went back behind and down the stairs into the basement, which was a long winding concrete tunnel (it always turned at right angles). After the concrete part of the tunnel, the walls were all black (or it was just really dark) and there were nifty colored tube lights all along the tunnel. The tunnel was filled with people who were all walking the same way, and then I realized that Will was next to me, so I started talking to him. I heard someone say that we were somewhere under the ocean (the bowling alley we were at was in a city on the coast of California). This tunnel eventually went past another bowling alley which Will and I got off at. We went down to the back (and now it was designed just like the other bowling alley except black with colored tube lights instead of just wood and concrete). Now I'm not sure which bowling alley we were at. It was as if one of them was inside one of the video games we were playing. It was as if one of them had the concrete tunnel that just went back outside, and the other had the tunnel that led down into the fancy multi-colored place and down to the fancy colored bowling alley. Anyway, there were some arcade video games there and Will was playing one of them as I watched from on top of the platform in the back.

Bowling alley:

               |   __ _|
               |  |  |_|
 ______________|  |  |_|
|platform in back |  | | down...
|   _   _______   |
|  | |-|_______|  |
|   game       |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  lanes |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |..|..|..|..|  |
|                 |
|______________   |
               |  |entrance

I was thinking about how you could make a game that was really cool and whacked out like the fancy colored tunnels, and was thinking about sometheing where everything looked kinda grainy until you got up close and saw that they were flat-shaded polygons. Something exploded and turned into lots of little glowing dots, like fireflies of fairies or something. They were flying around outside and you had to fly around and catch them.

Then I went to a party. My socks were all wet, so I took them off, and my inner layer of socks were alright. The people at the party were worried about my socks being too full of holes. I went out the backdoor, and I was the big strong guy. He was going down a lava river in a boat. He had a horse. He did something that caused the king's island to sink, and all the kings men came after him. They were dropping icky black creatures through the roof on him as he was riding on his horse (there was something like a screen over the road he was on) and he had to beat them off with a post. He realized he'd have to become a little small thing in order to fit through a hole in the wall, because he had read this story before.