date: 2002-07-26
description: dreams: universe may end at any moment, band concert, pounding ground with stick to make beat, virtual reality studio, escape from deep video game-like dungeon and run until I wake up
lj-entry-id: 196,211

dreams: universe may end at any moment, band concert, pounding ground with stick to make beat, virtual reality studio, escape from deep video game-like dungeon and run until I wake up - 2002-07-26 - Entry 194 - TOGoS's Journal

I went to sleep at about 19:00 after Jose (I think that's his name) was playing SNES games.

I had a dream in which Mom was doing her puzzle and I was talking about how the universe could disappear at any moment and it could be in 2 seconds or a billion years but we couldn't know. She said "mm-hmmm." I feel like there was something else going on after that. I woke up and went upstairs and watched a show about steam locomotives on the discovery channel with Mom and Dad for a while then went back to sleep.


I was in a band concert. I didn't know exactly why, since I hadn't been in band for like 3 years, but the band teacher had called me up and had me be in this concert. I was running around with a galon of milk for some reason as it was starting. The teacher started yelling stuff at me to make it seem as if it was all part of the show... so we never actually got around to the show.

There was some guy who had come to talk about his product. We were inside a place made with old Virtual Reality Studio. There was a big tree that looked really bad, because it was just a barn shape on top of a cube. I then realized that you could use spheres (you couln't really) and made up a new top for the tree, but I still needed a trunk, so I went around with a friend (maybe it was the salesman) to find something to use as a trunk. We found some little sticks that weren't thick enough, but never found anything the right size.

I was going around with some stick, though, and pounding it on the ground making a bass drum sound. I was talking to some guy about it.

The place we were at seemed like it was at Elver Park, because I think I could see the hill from the raised area between the 2 buildings. That's also where you could really see how ugly the tree was. There were ramps going down from that area to the ground. The door to one building went out onto the raised area, so was about 3 meters above the normal ground.

                  Elver Park grassy hill

fence       |           | |
____________|  _________| |
              |         | |
_________  r  |  maze __| |
         | aa |  bldg __  |
         | ir |       --  |
        _| se |       __  |
        _  ea |_________| |
_________| d            | |
                        | |
                        | |
       ____             | |
   crappy| |            | |
   old|  | |              |
   tree__|_|              |

I was playing this game with a friend in a tennis court. Except I don't think it had anything to do with tennis. The court had rectangles of meter-high fences inside it, each one inside the other, with gates at different places, so it was like a maze (sorta). We chased each other around and my friend was winning.

I was sitting at a table with Mom and Dad in a resturaunt. Some people came and sat at the next table over and I thought they looked familiar. Mom said "ooh! we know you!". It was, like, Prescott and her Mom and Pop.

I was in this dungeon. It was like the Matrix somehow. The guys there were 'hackers'. One of them gave a speech about how "we are programmers, nasjndkadsers, ....". We were going to get a lot of people to come into our dungeon and then we would have lots of fun shooting them all. I helped them set up all their stuff (I remember designing the wooden stage up in the front of the big room as if I was designing a Doom level). Part of our dungeon was the maze building, inside of which was this big maze with walls that were yellow stone with slime on them, so they called it the sewer. There were actually a few different ways into the maze, and into the room where we were going to shoot everyone, but I didn't really know them all.

'Hacker's' HQ
|  |______________________________________|
|   __
|  |__|               ......_________    ___
|   __               :     |         |  |
|  |__|              wooden|         |  |_
|   __               :stage|___      |____to maze
|  |__|              :
|   __               :      ___
|  |__|              :     |
|   _________________:_____|
|        fence    |           to maze  to maze
|                 |_______________| |__|  |_

People started coming in, and there was a lot of ammunition or guns or something lined up along the fence. I guess I put that there for the people who were coming in. A few people came in around the fence, and there was some guy back near the entrance to the 'Hacker's' HQ already shooting at us. I thought he couldn't see me behind the pillars, but I guess he could. Anyway, soon a lot of people came in. They were hanging around for a while, and then some guy said "You mean they're just going to shoot us all?". Yup. So all the people started getting out. They were using both exits. A lot of them were avoiding the maze, though. I went into the maze, because I figured I would be less likely to be shot in there. But one of the bad guys followed me in, and I knew where he was, so I had to keep running. But I knew this place; it was from an old video game. So I went to the fancy secret place that I knew about, called the zoom halls or something. In there, you could just run around the perimiter of the level and then go up the stairs to the next one. So that's what I did, and the guy was still following me. At one point I had to choose between the Mac and PC versions of a level, so I went with the Mac version. Finally I got up to the surface, and I was in my backyard. I thought to myself "never trust the Matrix". And I was pushing a funnel into the ground for some reason. I guess I thought I hadn't really escaped yet, because there was a fence around my yard. Then I realized I could just climb over the fence, so I did so and started running. I ran over the bridge and toward the golf course, then thought they might be waiting for me there, so ran through the brush along the road, instead. I got out onto the sidewalk and was running as fast as I could. I woke up.