date: 2019-04-19
tags: save-point-dreams, shotgun-dreams
subject: Try not to make the conversation weird

Try not to make the conversation weird - 2019-04-19 - TOGoS's Journal

So I was playing some kind of vaguely competitive game. Tag or paintball or something. And it took place in this long building. But most of the time I spent wandering around with Moriah and some other person. We ended up sitting on some carpeted steps facing into a sunlit room at the end of the building. Moriah was coaching us on how to talk to potential dates, and I was practicing on her, but the way I continued the conversation made it very clear that I was actually talking to Moriah about herself, not to/about hypothetical date. And this apparently made it weird for her, because she gave me a blank look and the conversation kind of ended and she had to go do something else, and we split up and I went back down to the middle of the building and was doing something with shotguns. I tried reloading from an earlier save, but found out that in most possible universes I didn't end up hanging out with them at all.