date: 2019-05-25
subject: Snug little fungi
tags: neighborhood-dreams

Snug little fungi - 2019-05-25 - TOGoS's Journal

The earlier dream I remember less well, and was only reminded of it when I was trying to rinse off a paintbrush in a pot of paint water. I was in some long barn or warehouse-type building, at a table near one wall with a lot of openings (windows, doors) in it to the outside. I was there with a group of people and we were making food for ourselves from like a pot of grits and random leftovers that we had from another day. (Thinking about this dream made me want grits, but we don't have any, so I cooked up some old rice with flax milk and a brown sugar+maple oatmeal packet. I think it needs some raisins. And more brown sugar. Om nom there we go.) I ended up adding corn and sugar to mine, which didn't seem like things that would go together.

In the later dream I was with a couple of friends looking at the brick house across from my parents'. The owners were out mowing. There was a second yard to the south, separated by a row of trees, next to the plot their house was on that also belonged to them, and then beyond that a third, but the third was covered with this white stuff on the ground, which I didn't know what it was. We decided to explore that third part. The white stuff didn't extend all the way back. As we approached where we thought the back of the lot was, to our left there were some commercial shacks. And we passed a sign saying that this chunk of land was for sale, and "Don't [something something] like a snug little fungi!" I think they were trying to discourage people from buying only that back section and then not having direct access to the road. But since it was for sale I said "Oh we need to tell Joh about this." We kept walking and came to an old white house (as I write this it is reminding me of a dream I had several years ago about maybe the same block). To the north there was a lawn with a few trees and a driveway, presumably stretching back from Reetz. Someone was driving and old car along that driveway. Fly by Night by The Glitch Mob was playing. I thought that the song was trying to tell me something about this little adventure, but actually it was my alarm.