date: 2019-06-02
subject: Railside mushroom hunt

Railside mushroom hunt - 2019-06-02 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream about the 'railroad tracks' (i.e. what is now the bike path, but in the dream it was more overgrown and less busy) behind the lumber yard. Apparently Timmy and May were going down there looking for mushrooms, which made sense as I had noticed a lot of different kinds growing in the bushes and the cubby holes (either the bushes formed cubby holes or there was a decaying wooden wall there) between the tracks and the lumber yard. And that made me want to collect a bunch of different mushrooms and see if I could clone them.

The sky was gloomy for the whole dream. It seemed there was also 'a hilly neighborhood' that I had been off exploring before I came home to find Timmy doing his mushroom hunt.