subject: Raspberry spiders
date: 2019-09-19

Raspberry spiders - 2019-09-19 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreamt that a lot of raspberries we had picked were now covered in mold. But the mold wasn't just a fuzzy mess; it had large-scale structure to it, like a spider web. Oh that's because it is spider webs. And then there are these large spiders with translucent bodies about the size of ping-pong balls and a tartan-like pattern on their undersides. First just on the raspberries, but increasingly other places I looked. There are some crawling on the living room ceiling. And also blue sky showing through that ceiling. But obviously that's not real, because if there was a hole in the drywall I'd be looking into the attic, not just seeing blue sky.

Actual moldy raspberries found in the fridge a few days after I had this dream