date: 2019-09-29
subject: Krull was a bad but interesting movie

Krull was a bad but interesting movie - 2019-09-29 - TOGoS's Journal

Some dreams:

A new beltline bridge was being built over Whitney Way. For now only the vertical concrete supports were up. There were multiple levels, and supposedly one was going to be for a railroad?

Something about flying a small plane and then there being a big ship in the way, and we had to be like "don't hit the ship!" and quickly change direction.

Inside the ship maybe I was living with a group of people who were doing factory work. I was being shown the place where I would be working, which was a large warehousey room with these long benches. Every worker had their own shiny brass workbench that was maybe 4 yards wide. There was a bunch of stuff up above the desk, too. Everything kinda looked like it was made out of pipes.

I was there with a group of people who shared a couple of rooms for sleeping. But the one I was staying in was being cleaned or something? So we all had to crowd into the other room for that night.

There was this campus building that had 4 legs were their own buildings for the first 12 floors, but above that joined together. I went into one of the legs and found a pair of shoes in front of the elevator. Inside the elevator there were only a few buttons to go to different floors. There were buttons for a few floors below 20, and then buttons for 20, 30, and 40. 40 had a label next to it that said "weed smoking floor". I wondered if that was the roof, and thought it was a weird thing to have written there in a public elevator. 20 and 30 had labels that I don't remember.

Somehow this building ended up underwater and one of my comrades was getting stuck in this round passageway (Sara pointed out that this sounded like the plot at the end of San Andreas, which has been on one of the TVs at the gym a recently, but I think the round passageway was inspired somewhat by the weird alien ship in Krull, which we watched last night after Devin had mentioned it at dinner). We were trying to pull them out. I don't remember we were successful.

Then I was outside with SA folks, on Regent St near the intersection with Monroe, which is I guess where that building was. I was feeling pretty good, so presumably that meant we all escaped. It was dark, and we were wet, but it was a nice night and we were skipping around. Maybe I could jump really high or something.