date: 2019-10-30
subject: Moon trip
tags: woodmans-dreams, liquor-store-dreams, dreams-about-having-a-flight-to-catch, travel-preparation-dreams

Moon trip - 2019-10-30 - TOGoS's Journal

I was supposed to get on a spaceship to go to the moon on Saturday. The time was approaching and I wasn't packed or anything, so I was getting nervous.

Sara and I were visiting some relation of hers. We were at their house for a while, hanging out in the living room, and just before we left I drank their last Coke. I told Sara when we'd gotten in the car that I had drank their last Coke, and she snorted, as if to say "ha, you're terrible!" Then we went somewhere else, where we parked in an otherwise empty parking lot next to a field with an RV parked in it, out of which came Sara's mom, who then felt my head to make sure I wasn't having liver failure.

Then we went to Woodman's. There was this whole thing about arguing with some centrists about whether violence against fascists was justified. They got really angry and tried to fight me (which I guess was ironic).

Later we checked out and were all ready to leave, but then I remembered that I wanted to replenish the Coke supply. So we headed to the liquor store, which was a separate building. On our way out we were pushing a slightly odd cart around. Steve was there and was like "oh this cart is very interesting." I said "well this is basically one of the old-style carts which years ago was the only kind they had here. Except slightly different." (because there were some plastic strips along the corners, where it used to be all metal bars).

Anyway, the liquor store was closing, but part of it, where they had a bunch of stuff that they were trying to get rid of, was still open, and there I found a 6-pack of Coke Zero. It was funny because here were mini soda cans (I guess those are 7.5oz), but these were labeled with some word indicating 'larger than mini', which really just meant regular (12oz) size. We took the cans and got back in the car. We had to take it back to the main part of the store to pay for it, but then Sara didn't want to go back there. "They don't care it's just cans of sugar water." Okay fine with me.