date: 2019-11-03
tags: leaky-water-pipe-dreams
subject: Leaks

Leaks - 2019-11-03 - TOGoS's Journal

There was other stuff going on in these dreams, but the most memorable part was being in the bathroom and finding water running down the wall. So I went upstairs, which above the living room was this cavernous space that I rearely went up into, and at the east end kind of mirrored downstairs w.r.t. placement of rooms and hallways, but was still much larger than my actual house. I went into the room that I figured was above the bathroom wall, which seemed to be used as a place for meetings, as it was mostly empty but had a couple of people standing around, whom I told that I was checking for leaks. Is it under the fridge? The fridge had nothing in it.

Later I was doing something with the kitchen sink and thought to go into the basement to check the leak that I knew about. Looking up at the pipes, there were a whole bunch of them coming down and feeding into different cylinders that were linked together with more pipes. One of the cylinders was extra big, like it was a secondary garbage disposal or something, and it seemed to be the one leaking. Though as I looked longer a whole another (but smaller; this one only had 3) set of these things appeared. So I kept being like "okay which one is leaking".