date: 2019-11-23
subject: Fake Alvin, Owl Friend
tags: owl-dreams

Fake Alvin, Owl Friend - 2019-11-23 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream where Sara and I were in the bedroom, watching an owl sitting on the firebit bench in the backyard, facing us. Then I big black cat who we thought was Alvin started approaching the owl, like he was trying to make friends.

We were like "Alvin we're not sure that's a good idea". But then we found Alvin was inside with the other kitties. It turned out that was a panther kitten and it's mommy, who was bigger, was also hanging around nearby.

Sara had a dream that she was in a place with smaller buildings inside a big building, kind of like my work. A similar thing repeated every day, but every day a different person was the bad guy, kind of like American Horror Story.