date: 2020-04-16
subject: Black Fortress jammed into an ore patch

Black Fortress jammed into an ore patch - 2020-04-16 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night while laying in bed I was thinking about how fun exploring the world in Satisfactory is, and worried that once we explore it all, it will become less fun. I wondered how different it makes the game to start in the different starting areas, of which there are currently 4, and I've only ever started on the grassy plain. I wondered if they might ever create entirely new worlds for the players who completely exhausted the first one. Or how feasible would procedural generation be.

I dozed off and was looking at an ore node surrounded on 2.5 sides by cliffs. It was dark. And then I had this terrible feeling that the big rock in the middle of the ore patch was actually the Black Fortress from Krull.

And then I got to sleep for reals and dreamt that I had a big pimple on my nose. I kept trying to squeeze it out, but that was ineffective until the end of the dream, at which point I tried again and managed to squeeze out a substantial amount of thick green goop. And behind that blockage was less viscous stuff that flowed out on its own, which pleased me. I was looking in the mirror and was like 'jeez did I just give myself a new nostril' because the hole that it left did indeed appear to go all the way through. The better to get the goop out, I guess.

Thinking about Satisfactory maps made me miss working on Factorio. The lack of money and lack of direction which formed a feedback loop of anxiety (can't bill hours if I'm too anxious to figure out what to work on!) I don't miss. But I did like working on that codebase a lot more than this Android goop, and the product was more meaningful. Oh well. I'm less poor now in money terms. Maybe someday I'll do something cool again.