date: 2020-10-18
subject: Fizz's 1690$/month software fix

Fizz's 1690$/month software fix - 2020-10-18 - TOGoS's Journal

Dream: I was back in Madison for a bit, working from home. It was spring or summer and everything was bright green, and when I was outside I looked at the sky and it was this bright blue and I thought "wow, it never looks like that up north!" Kong and Ed came over to work in bedrooms in my house, which in the dream was layed out more like the Walton's, with the bedrooms to the west of the living room.

Fizz was also working from home, which was on the northeast corner of Flat and Wicklow. He was working on some hard problem for work. Sometimes I helped him figure things out. But he'd been at it for months, with lots of long nights staring at the screen being stressed and frustrated (in the dream I could see his face through the window at night, lit up blue by the computer screen). But he finally figured it out and apparently the result was some amazing piece of software that when it was finally finished paid or saved like 1700$ a month! I wasn't sure if he was getting this money or if he just meant that it was saving his company that much. Either way, I was kind of envious that he managed to stick with it for so long until it paid off. It seemed like the kind of thing where I would have gotten bored and given up.

I am starting to wonder if Madison exploded or if everybody just went to bed. The farmhouse is quiet except for this kitten who keeps getting all up in my business and it's starting to feel like I'm in some kind of time bubble.

Also since I've come up here the weather has gone from nice early autumn to winter, and now it sucks to go outside.

Whelp, time to take Tina out for late night pee break and then go to bed.