date: 2020-10-24
subject: Smaug's in the center of the board, drywall skies, 12"x4.5"x0.75" chained fence panels
tags: gridbeam-dreams

Smaug's in the center of the board, drywall skies, 12"x4.5"x0.75" chained fence panels - 2020-10-24 - TOGoS's Journal

I had some kind of interesting dreams.

There was one where I had drilled two holes through a strip of wood, and then filed between them to make one long hole. But then it became this little planetoid thing that Sara and I were on. I knew that the other side wasn't very far away, through the hole, so we could climb down through the hole and gravity should get all weird, right? So we started going down and at about the point where I thought we were halfway through gravity was still pulling us downward. Had I misestimated the length of the tunnel? And then we got to a section where there were these caves off to the side, and they were all red and glowy. And we went towards the red glowiness just a little ways when Smaug appeared right in front of us, all threateningly, saying he was going to eat us and stuff. So we had to get out of there.

There were some other parts with Jacob and Renee and this chain of fence blocks that we had made.

At one point I was standing in a parking lot (sort of a narrow one with trees on both sides, and more parking lot around a corner that I couldn't see, and a 'fancy' entrance with a divided driveway with a hut in between). I think I had been trying to fold up this fence chain thing that I had made with Sara, or at least it was on my mind. The fence chain was a series of 12-inch by 4+1/2-inch by 3/4=-inch wooden frames with half inch metal mesh stretched across them. Kind of like our Quail cage panels. The ends had 3 holes each (that's how I know they were 4+1/2-inch panels) with string through them attaching them to the next panel in the chain. I was thinking about if and how I could fold it up so I could carry it compactly. And I thought I saw Renee driving by? Like to go park. But I wasn't sure if it was her.

And then I had left the place and was walking with a friend or two. Somebody pointed out but the sky was really stupid in some places. Like, instead of the sky texture they had accidentally left it the default texture which was white drywall.

There was a part whereh Jacob had laid down to snuggle with me, except he was in front, and he was doing a thing with his legs to move my legs, and that felt kind of nice. Like an effort-free stretch. Meanwhile he was talking to Sara about something and I was kind of ingoring all that. Probabl;y because my mind was wandering towards that piece of wood that I was about to drill a slot through.