date: 2021-07-11
subject: Job Change Reckoning Park
tags: car-pedal-trouble-dreams

Job Change Reckoning Park - 2021-07-11 - TOGoS's Journal

I was driving my car home and texting Renee at the same time. The subject of the conversation and the place from which I was driving seem like they may have had their own dedicated part of the dream which I've now forgotten.

I was backing into the rents' driveway but couldn't find the brake pedal, and I was like "shit shit shit I'm going to fuck up my garage door!", but actually the garage was open and I ended up smashing into Dawne's Volt. I had been moving pretty fast! But upon inspection I didn't find any major damage to either vehicle, phew.

I was at a park in the northeast corner of Madison, one that I didn't go to all that often, but it had a path that led up to a nice overlook kind of like some of the rocky outcroppings at Governor Dodge. But this place also had a bit of a Phesant Branch Conservancy vibe to it, a slightly magic quality. I didn't come here too often because I didn't want the magic to wear off.

Anyway, I was at this park with my laptop, considering a job transition. I still had access to my EarthIT e-mail and was checking it. John Samuelson wanted us to fill out some survey, and I figured sure, why not. I laughed because I remembered that last time I had looked at my EarthIT e-mail had been from this same spot in this same park, also during a period when I was struggling to convince my prefontal cortex that yes, we do indeed need to make a major change to the job situation.

I had run out of space on the server. Before I could compose a reply I had to go through and delete some old stuff. I scrolled way to the back, to e-mails from 2007, and it was full of picture and video attachments between me and YC, mostly documenting our interactions with animals encountered during walks and bike rides. I had these all backed up on hard drives already, but I also liked having them back there in my e-mail, so I was tediously watching all of them to decide which I could part with the most easily. This was a silly use of the rest of the time in that dream.