date: 2021-07-13
subject: Pilot Wings, Darco wedding music, more trouble operating the car
tags: car-pedal-trouble-dreams

Pilot Wings, Darco wedding music, more trouble operating the car - 2021-07-13 - TOGoS's Journal

There seemed to be an ongoing family project of attempting to strap on wings and fly out of the backyard. Which actually worked sometimes. One time I was flying around the house and passed right under a bunch of baby eagles hanging out on power or phone lines right near the north roof overhang.

This was related to playing a flight simulator / game thing that Joh liked which was called "Pilot Wings" but was not the SNES game. The pilot character would say "tuna fish!" if he was startled/suprised/frustrated (due to failure to fly properly), and we thought that was very funny. He seemed to be made out of soft cubes. One time we crashed and he tore in half while yelling "tuna fish!"

Later we were trying to make a different flying machine that consisted of a big round sheet of burlap that would spin above us, kind of like one of the goofy failed attempts at a flying machine documented in black and white film. It wasn't expecting this one to work, but I guess we had to try.

The backyard morphed into a room in a...vertical structure. As in a lot of interconnected rooms layed out in an ad-hoc way, mostly on a vertical plane, like an ant farm. It seemed that 'outside' was on one side, and on the other side was a very large theater, and maybe the interconnected-rooms structure formed a large cylinder around it. I'll call it a Darco, because it was dark and the unusual construction makes me think of a Darco arcology.

Someone was having an expensive wedding and had rented out like 8 floors of some skyscraper. The skyscraper (and the entire city it was in) was inside the theater, so all the guests were looking at it from different rooms in the Darco while the wedding party was lined up by the window so we could see them. I guess that was just supposed to impress us. I walked away from the overlook where I had been standing, down some stairs to some other room. I had some Deadmau5esque music playing in my head and thought it would be really cool to arrange it in Live and make a track and maybe play it for the wedding guests, but didn't have time because I had some project to work on or animals to take care of or something, which was vaguely frustrating.

At the end I was driving home from somewhere, and was merging onto some road and passing under the highway from which I had just offramped. There was a car coming up behind me so I needed to speed up, but couldn't get my foot to the pedal, as if I had big boots on and the space was too cramped to move my feet. Very similar to the situation in a dream from a couple nights ago.