date: 2022-05-14
subject: Flying Shapes

Flying Shapes - 2022-05-14 - TOGoS's Journal

Haven't been writing down about dreams much because busy with kid, though there have been some that would otherwise have been interesting enough to document. This morning I had some dreams that 'felt important' for some reason.

I was out, downtown or something, maybe having been with friends. Walking west along University (bit maybe with Lake Monona to the north) I turned left to head home, realizing that I could walk through some neighborhoods that I hadn't thought to walk through before.

Somehow this ended up taking me into a school-like building, and I ended up sitting down in a classroom to work on my laptop. But later people came in and started having a meeting, and it was distracting, so I wheeled my chair out into the hall and down it towards my exit. Unfortunately that hall brought me to an airport terminal, and I didn't want to mess with an airport. So I turned around to go back down the escalators that I had come up.

I was approaching a big concrete bridge over a river in a city. A big statue head fell out of the sky and hit the pavement under the bridge. It was so large that the fall looked like slow motion. Then more big concrete things started flying along the river, hitting the bridge. It was very dangerous for everyone in the area. People were trying to carry on with their lives anyway.

One guy was doing underwater stuff. He was like Puerto Rican or something. He could hold his breath for a long time, and liked to just hang out in this small canal. A friend and I went down to check it out. We couldn't hold our breath as long, but we saw his point; there was something calming and aesthetic about looking up at the sunlit surface from below (there also should have been lots of interesting plants and stuff under the water, but in my dream everything was pretty blank; even the surface was just solid white).

<~- take care of heather -->

I was supposed to be taking care of Heather. But wasn't sure of the exact time I needed to be there. She probably has an early morning worker, so I won't stress out about getting there first thing.

I was looking at a beach. Usually when you see a beach you can't see much that's beyond it, but this time I could see some trees and a field and a road and stuff. This was a really long beacn. Further down there were some pink buildings, which I recognized as the town from Hyperbolica. I went into one of the buildings. Everything seemed weirdly euclidean, but maybe that was just my perspective. Others seemed weirded out by my presence.

I was looking at my journal, flipping throrugh the pages. One page had a map with lots of green, and the Ring of Kerry drawn out.