date: 2022-05-23
tags: mountain-dreams
subject: Short Phrase Quoting Babby, Mountains, and Other Stuff

Short Phrase Quoting Babby, Mountains, and Other Stuff - 2022-05-23 - TOGoS's Journal

Something about mountains. Bright, sunny, white mountains whose tops stuck up into some clouds. Was I flying over or around them? Or trying to climb them? The section of the climb which was already pretty high up, but not yet in sight of the peak, and where the way forward became non-obvious, seemed similar to that of a different mountain-ascent dream from, like, years or decades ago. There was a feeling that went with this part of the dream that seemed more important than the mountains themselves. Hesitant contentment, maybe.

Other stuff:

I think it was my and Sara's wedding, but it was at some hotel. Maybe Jerry was there. I got really drunk pretty quick, so much that I woke up the next day and didn't remember any of the stuff people were telling me had happened.

I was carrying Marilla around. Specifically, eastward down from the top of Flad, turning left at Lewon, and then left again at Raymond. Marilla was saying strings of words to me that were exact quotes of things other people had said, like "come here please", and other short phrases.