date: 2022-11-11
subject: Interplanetary Logistics
tags: dyson-sphere-program-dreams, fizz-dreams

Interplanetary Logistics - 2022-11-11 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream about a bunch of dumb towns on different small planets, and one town that was actually not on a planet at all, but just orbiting near one (but it was large enough that you could forget that while you were there), and probably some resources I wanted to shuttle back and forth, because it was like Dyson Sphere Program that way. Maybe there was a gas giant in there somewhere, or maybe I'm blending this with a different dream from a few days ago.

Later in the dream Fizz was finally done with grad school and staying full-time in Madison. Until then, Jamie and the kids had been living in their Madison house where Fizz had an office with a nice chair that he occasionally used when visiting.

Tthe town stuff vaguely reminds me of this Hyperbolica-inspired dream, though other than the size of the buildings, the mood was very different. There was more to this one, also, like other people who I had been picking up or dropping off or bringing some equipment to, and the DSPseque logistics stuff I think evolved out of that. Or maybe it was related to getting Fizz from the airport.