date: 2023-05-30
subject: Tall House with Friends and a Problematic Possum
tags: house-dreams

Tall House with Friends and a Problematic Possum - 2023-05-30 - TOGoS's Journal

I was living in a tall house with some people. I think this was inspired by some thoughts I was having before I fell asleep about 319, which was the only house I ever lived in with an 'upstairs'. Unlike 319, the basement was finished, and there were a couple of bedrooms down there. Renee had a room in the corner of the basement, next to the stairwell. Jason came to visit and they disappeared into there together. "Not into men, huh" I grumbled to myself.

At some point I found that the cats had been attacked. Wolfie had a big cut right through her skin by her back leg. I considered attempting to sew it up myself but realized that I didn't have the right kind of thread and should really let a professional take care of it. But first I needed to expel whoever had done this, which turned out to be a possom that had gotten into the house, so then I was trying to chase it out with a broom. I spent some time up at the top of the stairwell guarding the main entrance, which was somehow one or two stories above the ground floor, wondering when Jason and Renee were going to come out.

Vague feelings about some other adjacent part of the dream.