date: 2023-06-10
subject: Are you sure about those pickles

Are you sure about those pickles - 2023-06-10 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream where I was dragging a window around in the sky containing a cut scene video from FFVII in which Bowser smashed someone in the head with his guitar, as if it were an axe. I was trying to position the window so that people waiting to turn left onto Verona Road from Raymond would have to look at it.

There was another part where I was in this very cluttered house that I shared with a lot of other people, and there was something about cats probably, and I was trying to find the jelly, and some guy was taking a dump in the bathroom where I wanted to look for it, but he found it and handed it to me through the door, cracked open as little as possible.

And a part where my mom wanted some pickles, and I was like "urr, I'm not sure about the middle shelf pickles; would you like the top shelf pickles?" But she wanted the middle shelf ones. "Eat at your own risk; these might have given me diarrhea last time I tried them," I said, or at least thought.

And then after all that I was walking down the sidewalk near Elver Park, which in the dream was a bit more out in the country (as Elver or similar parks often are in my dreams), and I was passing by all these people that looked like Genya, and I turned off into an area with a picnic table, and there were two or three cats that followed me out there, maybe a family, who were meowing kind of pitifully and seemed to maybe have some issues. One was all goopy and I supposed could use a bath.

I woke up to Mabel licking my face and eating my hair.