date: 2023-07-07
tags: false-memory-dreams, car-dreams
subject: That dark blue leaky car that I had briefly

That dark blue leaky car that I had briefly - 2023-07-07 - Entry 2023-07-06 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream where at some point, maybe about 10 years ago, I had bought a very crappy but retro and cool-looking car (in the sense that the Geo or Dawne's old brown car with the sunroof were 'retro and cool-looking') from some dealership where Michael's Frozen Custard was on Schroeder road. It was dark blue with spots of slightly off colors in spots, and was not quite a station wagon (I don't think it had an extra pair of windows behind the passenger side ones), but was a bit longer and more flat-backed than a typical hatchback. It had been fun to drive; probably was stick shift, but then it had fallen apart after about a week, and then I got another old crappy car that didn't last too long, either, before I finally got my current car.

It's interesting because I think I've had other dreams about the same old crappy car that I had for a short time, and from those dreams I remember that a problem it had was that the seal around the back window was not so good and it would get all wet inside when it rained.

In another dream, I was visiting a community at the bottom of a body of water. You'd swim down and then go through a door in the roof and be inside, as is possible in Minecraft and Subnautica. I'm not sure if everyone there was muppets, or if that detail was from a different, similar dream from years ago. There may have been a dog there that I knew, maybe Gus, and I figured they'd need to go outside to go potty. There was one door that opened out into an above-water park somehow. As if there was some kind of air bubble, or else it space-warpingly let you out at a different elevation than where I had come in.