date: 2023-07-07
subject: Ad-Hoc Church Basement Extensions

Ad-Hoc Church Basement Extensions - 2023-07-07 - TOGoS's Journal

There was something about Renee living in an apartment on Gorham, me running upstairs to get my keys and wallet while a city bus waited for me outside, and Sara being briefly in the mood for making out, but looking more and more like her mom.

I was being sent on a mission to the church basement. At first it was not obvious how to get down there from the outdoor area where I and my cohorts started out, but then I realized that I just needed to take the stairs that were in plain sight in a big rock sticking out of the ground which I had seen in enough Star Trek episodes that I should be familiar with it. Duh. So I went down.

A large portion of the basement had been sectioned off so that some otherwise-homeless guy could live there. I spotted him pretty quick, off in a darkened room to the right. I waved. He was talking to himself and being weird. I moved on. The basement was much more extensive than I remembered, and every time I thought I was coming to the end I'd find another doorway and more rooms. I came to a room with a bunch of people sitting around a table, and I told them "don't mind me, I'm just looking for the thing" as I shined my flashlight up onto a corner of the ceiling next to a shelf, not finding what I was looking for. I realized that all the people in this room had a weird cough, and Mary was among them. I asked if they were all had the flu and were waiting for medical attention and they said yes. I moved on. Eventually I found my way to a new exit that attached to a high diving tower over the Rigewood diving pool that had been installed after somebody had won the diving contest in the Olympics.