date: 2023-07-14
tags: airplane-dreams
subject: Factorio Movie, Wingtip Playground

Factorio Movie, Wingtip Playground - 2023-07-14 - TOGoS's Journal

Dream: I was on an international flight on a large airplane with lots of people on it. Sara and Marilla may have been with me, and had been chatting with some fellow passengers. It was fairly roomy and comfortable flight, as rides on commercial planes go.

The seat-back video system played shows on a set schedule. One of the movies that was coming up was Factorio The Movie. I thought that would be very neat to see, so I made a mental note to tune in whenever it came on, which was maybe 3AM or so (time of day always gets messed up and I can never sleep on the plane anyway).

I had to use the bathroom, and followed the signs toward it. I went through a door into the left wing of the plane, which was mostly hollow and transparent aside from the brightly-lit gray ceiling and a walkway that sloped slightly downwards and had a 90-degree bend at one point. It was a little bit scary to walk along. I figured the transparent hull of the wing was strong enough that I wouldn't break through it, though it did concern me that there was only that thin layer of glass/plexiglass/whatever between me and the dark blue sky (it was night, but there was enough light to see clouds that we were passing over and through). Some kid was running along it exitedly, talking about how cool it was.

At the end of the walkway I passed through a door into the rest area at the tip. There were bathrooms here, but also a playground with a jungle gym and some small trees. After visiting the bathroom I thought maybe while I was here I should do some pull-ups on the jungle gym. I found that I could climb around on it surprisingly easily, and then decided that a more fun way to get exercise would be to climb the trees.