date: 2002-10-31 (Thursday)
description: a cool day
lj-entry-id: 210,63

a cool day - 2002-10-31 (Thursday) - Entry 224 - TOGoS's Journal

I came back from lunch and checked my mailbox to find that my CD drive still hadn't come. Went upstairs, found that I had a "You've got package!" slip on my desk. Bob must've checked our mail. I was excited because it must be my new drive. Went down but the desk people were out at lunch. I went back and was fiddling with miffo10. It was cool, but I was getting stuck, and I was getting sleepy. Went to sleep on Bob's couch...

They were going to make Bart go to college in the Simpsons, which was weird because we thought that Bart was still only in 4th grade.

There was this tunnel near my house that I would walk through sometimes when I was going for a walk. It was pretty long, but you could go through in like 15 minutes or something. It came out into this park, and there were yellow hats like the one I got from Washington lying around. Then I remembered that my friends were playing some game there. So I put my textbook down and joined them. It was kinda fun. You got points for doing things that were hard or dangerous or something like that. So we were climbing around on poles and things.

There were bathrooms all over the place. Every 2 dorm rooms had a bathroom, and every wing had 2 on both sides and one in the middle. I spent most of my time in the bathrooms playing with my computer. There weren't any stalls; just some toilets in the middle of the room. Which explained why they needed so many bathrooms. You had to quick get one in the morning before everyone else came in.

I was making a side-scrolling novel, with music. It was like I was making a web page that went sideways or something. It was like a movie. I stole some music from the ending of Smoke Signals because I thought it was cool.

I was hanging out with some friends in this building that was in the place of the Stupid Center. We were just kinda hanging out under this thing that hung down from the celing that had lit up signs around it. I guess we were just hanging out talking about stuff. Then I remembered that I left my textbook in that park and wondered if I could find it if I went back.

   / \

Then I was this little spaceship made out of some pieces of plastic straw(s). There was this planet that I liked to visit because it was all covered with trees. It was a moon of Neptune or Uranus. It was kinda dark and wet and had pale pine trees all over it, and it was really pretty and smelled nice.

When we got there, though, there were all these grey-geen brick dorm buildings all over. The trees were still there, but there were buildings, too. We went inside and this building just went on and on. Finally we came to this opening outside, like we were on a balcony kind in the corner between where 2 walls came together. We were way up high, and we could look fown and see some hills and trees and this huge city of interconnected dorms that just went on forever.

We were in a room with some people that lived there, and we were talking about this planet and I was saying how far it was from the sun and stuff. I had to use the bathroom, so I asked him where it was. The guy directed me into the hall and to the right and I'd find it. Sure enough, I found it alright. But then I went in and it was really weird. It was like a co-ed stallless bathroom. There was one stall that was made out of wood. Otherwise there were just mini-toilets kinda sitting on pipes in the middle of the room. When the stall was vacant, I was about to use it, then realized the toilet was in front of the door, not behind it. So I pushed it in, and cleaned off the seat (which was disguting), and was about to close the door and do my business when Fizz came up and told me I wasn't allowed to close the door. Because I might torture someone in there and they couldn't have that.

So we were going to overthrow the government. We were outside where it was all snowy. I was with Fizz and some other guys. Fizz pushed a button and some doors opened up in the snow and some big metal clamps came out. We were going to use them to climb the mountain. There was also a darker grey thing that was like 2 megaphones stuck together so that they faced outward. It was a gun. We were supposed to keep this all secret, but some trucks were driving by on a road to the north (perpindicular to the one we were next to). I said I thought we should cover up our stuff but Fizz said the truckers didn't care. Then some people came toward us from the other direction; from the dorms. They were going to drink this black stuff that was poison. I asked them if they were really sure they wanted to kill themselved and they said "yeah, it's cool!". So I poured for them while they held their cups.

Then I walked back south to the dorm area with the guys I was with. It was warmer down there. We were walking on a sidewalk south of some buildings. It was misty. All the buildings were the same grey-green brick. I thought it was kind of a cool color and was looking at the walls more closely. They were kinda mossy.

When I woke up I was all sleepy-weird. I wathed an episode of the Simpsons where Grandpa liked some lady.

I went to dinner and told Tom about my dream. He old me about a dream he had involving a big black dog that ate people. We ate ice cream with chocolate cookie crumbs and it was really good.

Fizz showed up with a bunch of folks and Tom left and I went and sat with the Fizz people. Then they all were going to go see the Exorcist, except we just went to Matt's room instead, and they were all going to get high. Ben had glow-in-the-dark hair. We listened to music and watched MilkDrop (a Winamp plugin), which was pretty cool. Adam went back to his room to wait for us (when they got their hands on some liqour). They couldn't get any. I pretended to be dissapointed.

Andy and Matt were impressed with some of the Mulker stuff and I set up Jazz++ and TiMidity on Matt's computer.

When I finally got home at about 10:30 I watched the Simpsons (Bart shoplifted), retrieved and opened my package (it is my new drive!), and finished writing this entry.