date: 2002-11-17 (Sunday)
description: go home, whale and elephant dream
lj-entry-id: 213,131

go home, whale and elephant dream - 2002-11-17 (Sunday) - Entry 229 - TOGoS's Journal

It's Sunday. I came home for the weekend (to my surprise). After I ate lunch on Friday with Tom I was eating 2 rice crispy treats. Fizz's mom was sitting in their car with Mary and yelled "hey, you wanna go home, Dan?", so I did. I snuck in through the bilco door and surprised ma.

Last night I had a dream in which there were these guys that lived underground in these tunnels. They wore bright colored clothes and ran around a lot. There was this one room where they had an elephant. He had a really big head. I was talking to him.

Then I went back outside. Above the tunnels was the zoo and Lake Wingra was right next to it (like it is). There was this whale friend of mine. I was taking him out to the lake. We went out and were building this place on one side of the lake away from the zoo. The whale was really friendly and smart and calm. The elephant came over, too. He was kinda cranky, but he was nice, too.

Other folks from the zoo were coming over and setting up places around our base, too.

There was some lady who wanted to kill us. Shw was really evil. So when she started coming over I stuck her hand in a microwave. Then everyone was happy.