date: 2002-11-14 (Thursday)
description: dream: far away space station, cross river, new dorm building;
lj-entry-id: 212,90

dream: far away space station, cross river, new dorm building; - 2002-11-14 (Thursday) - Entry 228 - TOGoS's Journal

I came home after lunch and went to sleep on Bob's couch. I had a dream in which I was with some other people, like my mom and some other folks, and we had gone on a really long trip. we ended up on this space station or something hundreds of light years away from home. So we were in the future. There was a computer on the space station like HAL. He was helping us out and telling us what we should do. I was designing the space station like I would an LW level. I was putting in a grey pillar and it was interesting. I was having fun.

It was weird, though, since we were in the future and we were so far away from home, so it was kinda equivalent to being at home in regular time. We were all live-foreverish or something, so we had been around for a long time but we hadn't aged any. Mom had married the computer.

Then there was this river that I had to cross. There were people on the other side that didn't want me to cross for some reason, but I wanted to anyway. So I was about to swim across, then I realized there was a dam just a few yards downstream so I could just walk across that. So I walked most of the way across and then swam the last bi of the way because it was faster. Then there was something about shooting off a rocket.

And there was also something about me living in a different building next time. It was to the east of Glenspew. And it was connected to some other building and that was really convenient. I lived in the basement or the ground floor. It was kinda hard to find my room. It was neat.

And I slept until about 5:00. Just in time to watch The Simpsons.