date: 2002-12-12 (Thursday)
description: transfer to Madison dream
lj-entry-id: 221,85

transfer to Madison dream - 2002-12-12 (Thursday) - Entry 241 - TOGoS's Journal

Let's see... I wrote this dream down at breakfast.

Fizz and I were ransferring to Madison, but there were still some classes that we needed to take and they were only in Platteville. So it looked like we wouldn't be able to transfer. We were back in Madison over the weekend or break, and I had left the last page of a 13-page (I think) paper in Platteville. I could downloading it and print the last page again, but it was this weird multi-column thing I made using floating divs and it was hard to get it to print right.

I was walking around by the lake with Ma, and she almost lost an earring there. Don't remember why we were by the lake. Some reason, though.

I used this north-south highway just west of Madison to get to Platteville. That wouldn't really work because Platteville is mostly west of Madison, but it worked in my dream. Platteville was right across some border. I got confused and told people it was directly south of Minneapolis.

And Winamp crashed and the screen turned into square things and it reminded me of TiMidity's display.

In non-dream news, REBOL paper is due in 6 days, but I should be able to do it. I prolly did real bad on the maht test I took last night. Finals next week. I'm also writing a cute server in Ruby.