date: 2003-01-07 (Tuesday)
description: Whale, white tower, red shirts, "seriously, there's nothing down there" dream
lj-entry-id: 226,39

Whale, white tower, red shirts, "seriously, there's nothing down there" dream - 2003-01-07 (Tuesday) - Entry 254 - TOGoS's Journal

Went to dentist in morning. Came home and went to sleep.

Dream: I was a funny little whale. I could fly through outer space, but I had to be in the ocean before I could take off. I was looking for some friends. Maybe for my ma. I thought it would be a good idea to fly around Jupiter, and sure enough, I found our old space ship there.

I often had trouble leaving earth, though. There was a bay that I could see the ocean from, but when I swam out toward the ocean, there were all these islands in the way. It was weird. One time some people were after me in a boat. I could swim really fast, but I would have to get to the ocean before I could take off.

And then I was some guy. I think I had been in jail or something. I was on a plane that took me to some city from Chicago. I was looking out the window at some buildings. There was this one weird white building that had three square parts. Two of them were a few stories high, and the third one went way up into the sky.

I was working on some project in this other city. I was underwater, and there were people down there, having a hard time for one reason or another. It was more like I was the whale again, now, down inbetween some of those islands in the bay...

We were on a boat going down a canal through the city. We were supposed to stab someone through a bridge for a scene in a movie. It was actually just a puppet or something. We were wearing all red clothes (and I can't remember if this was before or after I went into the living room to see the MASH scene in which Hawkeye comes back to find everyone all red...). We were sitting in a small theatre-type room, sitting near the front. Some people said that the people who stabbed the guy had been wearing all red, and we said "but he was already dead! It's for a movie!" or something. But they chased us out. On the way back to the plane I was looking at that tall white building again, from across the bay. I don't know if it was on an island or if it was just on the other side.

                __/                         Ocean? ->
           _/  Seaweed maze
          /       __/
         |       /        Maze of islands and ships
          \     |
           \     \_     ___/
            |      \___/
          _/                 /         more ships
         /    I was          \____/
        |     chased here     
         \                   ________
          \           ______/
           |      ___/      
          /     _/
       _/      /
    __/       /    ____  ____
___/         |    |XXXX||    |
             \    |XXXX||____|
              \   |    |
               |  |____|  Tall white building
       Dive for \___
     golf course    \
                 __/        ___
Bay that I      /  _______/
always start   |  /
in as a whale  |  |     Hills blocking view
           ___/   \     of building from road
__________/        \__
<- city               our plane -> 
road - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I looked at a picture of a building that I had drawn, and got an idea. I started writing down everything I knew about the people in the pictures. There was like a maze with the plants underwater, and pictures of the people I had met, and by each one I was writing what we had talked about...

I was out in a boat on the lake, all alone. I had seen some commercial for a golf course on an island but it was underwater. I didn't believe that, so I was checking it out for myself. It was foggy, and so quiet. I was all alone. I stopped my boat near the far shore, near where the submerged golf course supposedly was. I took off my blue hat and dove in. I sat in the bote, a little confused. Then I remembered something about there being two of me. I looked around under the water. It was about 16 or 20 feet deep, and it was pretty dark. All I saw was sandy bottom and a lot of plants, so I went back to the surface. As I sat in the boat, I knew that the other me was coming out of the water to report, even though I couldn't see him, and I knew he couldn't see me either. But I had some device like a circle of copper wire embedded in my hand that allowed us to talk to eachother. It would vibrate and I could understand what he said. He was telling me about mermaids and llamas down at the bottom of the lake. I knew he was just kidding. And then he said:

No, seriously, there's nothing down there.