date: 2002-01-11 (Saturday)
description: UWPEN, Reason 2.0 disc 2
lj-entry-id: 228,156

UWPEN, Reason 2.0 disc 2 - 2002-01-11 (Saturday) - Entry 257 - TOGoS's Journal

Watched MilkDrop some more. It's good with dance music :-). I managed to finally get the second Reason CD. KaZaA says 11.5 more hours for the third CD at this rate, but it's going fast right now, so that number's sure to increase. As soon as I get it downloaded I'll install the CD writer on the Windows box... So I guess I should back up my data on the Linu machine while it still has the CD writer.

We watched a show on D-CIV called "race for the poles", I think. It was about the guys who were competing to get to the north and south poles first. It was pretty interesting.

And today I've been working on the UWPEN (UWPlatt EvilNet) server-side program for discovering other nodes. I expect it'll just be me and Andy, and maybe my roommate, but if I get him to do this he'll be behind my firewall and won't need the EvilNet stuff. I think I'd try to set it up so that Andy could access his machine as a sub-directory on my server (which is easy to do with TRServer).